EKF Hemo Control Hemoglobinemeter

  • Beschrijving

Hemo Control is gebruiksvriendelijk en levert resultaten met een CV van < 2 % op voor hemoglobine en hematocriet in slechts 25 seconden en dit met een kleine volbloed staal.

Hemo Controle maakt ook het beheer van patiëntgegevens eenvoudig. Hemo Control Manager is ontworpen om gebruikers in staat te stellen om snel en veilig testresultaten te beheren en te analyseren. De software kan gekoppeld worden aan een PC en zet de gegevens gemakkelijk over in een informatie management systeem. 

Pakket bevat: 

  • Hemo Control photometer.
  • Controle cuvette.
  • Netlader.
  • Cleaner voor de optische unit (2 stuks).
  • Snelstartgids (Engelstalig).
  • User manual (Engelstalig).
  • Poster.

Hemo Control is easy to use and delivers lab accurate results for hemoglobin and hematocrit from 25 seconds from one small sample.

The new Hemo Control analyser can now be upgraded with Data Management (DM) functions through purchasing an ‘add pack’. This is ideal for customers who are:

  • Planning future connection of POC devices to LIS but have not yet decided
  • Connection to LIS postponed for budget reasons, option to split costs
  • Facing increasing demands for connectivity and want to keep options open

The new analyser bi-directional interface using a public standard protocol. This allows direct intergration with third party software without the need for an EKF specific software like Hemo Connect software

EKF's Hemo Control and Hemo Control light software remain available for customers who wish to use data management and data export functions without LIS integration

Being the top of the range, the Hemo Control Manager is equipped with preinstalled DM functions at delivery as well as integrated Bluetooth technology


Hemo Control Cuvettes

The EKF Hemo Control hemoglobin analyser uses the innovative NXT microcuvette technology to deliver a quick and easy sampling procedure.

NXT microcuvettes have been designed with a large opening to collect the blood sample, meaning that users can hold the cuvette at almost any angle to gather the blood sample from the patient. The NXT microcuvette also features a slot at the rear of the sample chamber that allows trapped air to escape.

Trapped air in a blood sample will deliver inaccurate results, so by getting it right first time the Hemo Control NXT microcuvette keeps costs and patient discomfort to a minimum. Once a sample has been taken the Hemo Control's built-in ‘soft-load’ microcuvette holder ensures that blood does not splash out when it is inserted into the analyser. This minimises the risk of contaminating the analyser for future use.

